Chickens Living In Our Bathtub? Please.

Friday, August 13, 2010

so sorry for the delay as summer has been crazy! i will see if i can contact all the followers and send out a back to business email. the blog is up and running again!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Terribly Sorry

First of all, we would like to say that the chickens (yes they are no longer babies) are in the coop. They have accustomed nicley to their surroundings...
Second, we are very x1000000 sorry for the long delay, we have been busy with the end of school and the start of summer and all.
In next post, we will post pictures!
-xx S&M

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The chickens are now under our power. No longer will they jump onto our heads or fly onto the floor (like a certain Jemima incident last night). We have built a netting tablle and put it on top of the bath. Pictures are coming, and the chicks look very unhappy.
Other words, THEY ARE HUUUUGE!! As big as doves. I can't wait untill the chickies are big lady chickies!
--- Love Sophie (and Marco)

Saturday, May 1, 2010


When will it end?!? These chickies poop like crazy! The bottom of the tub was almost all brown when we got to it today. (!!!) We had to do the same procedure and it's now one of our daily chores...
Love 4rm Soph

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Muck, muck, muck

Saturday we had to muck out the chickies. We put them in a huge plastic box (no lid) with their food and water. We scooped up all the poop and shavings with a hand broom and dustpan and put in new shavings. They seem very very very very very very very happy! Bella is BIGGER than Rodriguez. Pucca has grown, and Chicken Licken is now the smallest.
She doesn't have to worry about being crushed by the sky no!
Bye Bye,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Chickies are Cool

The chickens have had their temperature going down to around 90 degrees. They are bigger and Pucca has started to get whiter fluff/pin feathers! Delia put in parsley for a new treat and the chickies kind of ignored it. Jemima is starting to be the flying one! she flaps everywhere, especially when we put our hands in the tub.

Oh no. Today is mucking-out day...

--- Love Sophie

Friday, April 23, 2010

Box Perch

Roddy likes the tool box that we put in there. I made it when I was 6. Thats all there is for now.

See ya,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mini Roosting Thing

It's like a thing with a handle so the chickies can roost and prepare for having eggs. I like to eat scrambled eggs and I am now a vegetarian (untill I see a hamburger).

---Love Sophie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Ah! Josie and Roddy might be cockrels! NEVER!

Tonight we were going to have a TV din-din and watch a Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe (sexing chicks) but instead we looked at The Land of Ice and Fire pictures (Iceland volcano). The chicks got to see my best friend for the first time after school today! She was so funny with them. She was like Mother Hen.

---Ciao for Now, my chickadees

New Food

The chicks had a new delicacy, ticks! Pucca L-O-V-E-D 'em.My dad found them on him after a hike. But we found out that Rodriguez and Josephine might be cockerels! :)

See ya!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Puppy Love!

ABOVE: Elvis and Pucca!
Look at Pucca, her fluff glistening in the light of the heat lamp! And Elvis, the H-A-N-D-S-O-M-E black labbie sniffing her.
But she seems stressed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Dorms

ABOVE: The bath with the new addition

Whats Up?
Pucca has moved into a new house. It is a clear plastic tub inside the bath, and we have grounded up her food and put in in there with an extra water tub. She wasn't eating with the others, so we had to give her special treatment! She's sooo P-I-C-K-Y!!!
She's also a ditzy blonde.

---Love Sophie

My Chickies

Hi, this is Marco. My chick is Meg. When I tried to pick her up, she made two complete circuits around the tub. Sometimes, she likes to peck freckles, and Tom thinks it's because the mother hen has a red spot on the beak where the baby pecks at for food. Or, she thinks that they're ticks!

Bye Bye,

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hooray for Darling Pucca

Pucca (pronounced POOH-kah) has found a friend. I walked in to the bathroom and Pucca and Rodriguez were sleeping next to each other. When I came back from feeding the dog, they were walking around together. It seemed like they were stuck together. I hope it stays that way!
Also, the coop is on its finishing touches. Tom is painting it in a couple weeks, 2 weeks before the BIG MOVE-IN. So excited for the final creation!

---Love Sophie

Is the Bathtub Middle School?

Poor Pucca. She seems to have been isolated from the group. We're not sure whether she is tired, or scared, or hot. The other chicks (mainly Josephine, you naughty naughty girl) have taken to pecking Pucca's feet/other parts of the body. We hope she will get better at making friends, because she is the sweetest of the lot.
On more happier news (or not), we made a CHICKEN CHORE CHART! Delia said it was very pretty lettering that I did. We have to clean the poop, clean the bedding, clean the water. Basically, we are servants to the little chick's every need. Sigh. It's going to be a loooonng 5 weeks with these animals in the bathtub.

---Love Sophie

Chirpy, Chirpy, Cheep, Cheep

As the sun sets, you go to sleep on a nice pillow, ready for nice dreams and a nice day ahead. Though sometimes, just sometimes, you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. In our house, the upstairs bathroom is occupied by Pucca, Jemima, Meg, Bella, Rodriguez, Josephine, and Chicken Licken. These are our "tub-pets", the chicks that live in our otherwise normal restroom.
Pucca, the fattest of the lot, is a white cochin, with yellow fluff for now. She has fluff on her legs, and looks like the mascot of easter. Jemima, the wisest of the lot, is an "easter egger". She will soon lay eggs with a greenish blue tint to them. She has markings like glasses, with a beautiful tawny-brown belly and a dark brown band down her back. Meg, the fastest diva, is a Rhode Island Red. She has horrible manners! Her fluff is pinkish reddish brown and she has very light brown spots on her head. Bella, Megs sister, is also a Rhode Island Red with darker markings on her head. She seems to be the motherly one in the group. Rodriguez and Josephine are Barred Rocks. They are twins, except for the white strip of fluff under Roddy's (Rodriguez) wings. Josephine And Roddy sleep a lot. Finally, Chicken Licken. She is a Plymoth Rock chick, and her fluff is made up of all different splotches of brown. She is the loudest of the family!
Unfortunately, we have no roosters. Not tonight, ladies!

--- Love Sophie